Tuesday, March 16, 2010


On Sunday we had the English Clinic with Kelly Mahloch. Well, let's just say that I got my workout lol. I can still feel pain in my abs today! At least it's a good pain lol. Rolie was pretty good I suppose. She absolutely loved him, but then again, who the hell doesn't?! :) She made us ride without irons, I pretty much died. I was completely out of breath! That never happens to me, except when I ride Rio. But anyways, she said that Rolie and Cruizer were the two horses that caught her attention from the start. I'm like DUHHHHHHHH! Team Evil FTW! So, the clinic was an overall success. We leave for KENTUCKY tomorrow! I'm so stoked! It's gunna be hella fun. But, I guess that's it. Will update when we come back from the KayyyWhyyy. :)